Saturday, September 15, 2007

Love that good ol war...

I know a lot of the people (if they were to read this), would have a lot to say about the reasons for war and how it can't be avoided, but I'm simply looking at it from the point of view of an 8 year old child. They can turn on the news and see men firing automatic weapons at each other with intention to neutralize one another, (translation: riddle them with bullets until they stop breathing).

Here are some things a child might asks:

Q- Do kids die in war?
A- Yes they do, soldiers may not aim for kids but you can't tell a bullet who to miss and you can't tell a bomb what to avoid when blowing up the enemy.

Q- Do they all hate us?
A- No, most of them don't but there are a few who do.

Q- When will it be over?
A- Never. Until this world has expired.

I know these answers aren't the kind you would use when talking to a child but the fact is that war is hell and I myself really wish that innocent people in Afghanistan didn't have to go to sleep wondering if they would wake up in the morning. So I guess that's what was on my mind when I designed that little poster.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007